Policy makers in a meeting.

Member Benefits

Recycle Right Coalition members receive access to some of California’s most experienced and trusted waste and recycling industry expertise, unparalleled insight into California’s political, legislative and regulatory landscapes, and deep relationships with leading decision makers at the state and local level.

The Recycle Right Coalition builds capacity for resource constrained companies to become key players in shaping the future of waste and recycling in California, elevating shared challenges among policy audiences to create lasting change that benefits all industry innovators and helps the state achieve its ambitious climate and waste objectives.

Coalition Meetings

The Coalition meets monthly via teleconference, with Executive Level members meeting bi-monthly for a dedicated Executive Committee teleconference prior to the General Membership Meeting at the end of each month. Opportunities for in person engagement through events, stakeholder roundtables and tie-ins to industry conferences occur throughout the year. 

Members in a zoom meeting.

Membership Levels

There are three types of memberships – General, Associate and Executive.  All membership levels receive the following:

  • Regular and timely coalition updates on priority policy
  • Monthly calls with coalition membership
  • Access to stakeholder roundtable discussions with industry influencers

General Members receive:

  • Regular and timely coalition updates on priority policy
  • Monthly calls with coalition membership
  • Access to stakeholder roundtable discussions with industry influencers

Associate Members receive:

  • Regular and timely coalition updates on priority policy
  • Monthly calls with coalition membership
  • Access to stakeholder roundtable discussions with industry influencers

Executive Level Members receive:

  • State and local strategic counsel and relationship building
  • Priority representation in meetings with lawmakers and policymakers
  • 1 seat on the Executive Board
  • Voting right on ideas advanced by coalition members
  • Additional member vote
  • Priority logo placement on materials

Membership Process

Any organization or individual interested in joining the coalition may apply.  The Recycle Right Coalition leadership will review and approve completed member applications, with consultation by the Executive Committee for Associate Level membership and approval by the Executive Committee for Executive Level membership.

Membership Application