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Launch of Recycle Right Coalition and Recycle Right PAC

California Waste & Recycling Industry Innovators Announce Launch of  Recycle Right Coalition and Recycle Right PAC

To Advocate for Policies and Support Candidates that Help Californians Reduce Waste, Greenhouse Gas Emissions

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Jan. 23, 2024) – A group of leading innovators in the solid waste and recycling industry today announced the formation of the Recycle Right Coalition and the Recycle Right PAC. As a registered California lobbying coalition, the group will advocate for policies and principles that unlock the state’s enormous potential to achieve its ambitious waste reduction and climate change goals. Alongside this work, the PAC will support candidates for state and local office committed to fostering innovation in the industry.

The Coalition is made up of diverse leaders from across the circular economy, utilizing modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence and robotics to reduce and recycle everything from organics and plastic bottles to common landfill contaminants. 

United by their resolve to help Californians waste less and combat climate change, the group will advocate for:

  1. the modernization of solid waste and recycling programs, infrastructure and governance to encourage the adoption of new approaches;
  2. public engagement and transparency to drive increased participation in waste reduction programs; and
  3. the integration of technology and innovation into solid waste management practices to improve efficiency of existing and future programs.

“California has worked for years to attract the types of innovative, circular economy companies coming together under the Recycle Right Coalition,” said Rachel Oster, co-founder of the Coalition and a 17-year industry veteran. “As a direct result of these clear policy signals, the transformative companies vital to jumpstarting that economy are coming to the policymaking table while making record investments back into California – from research and development, to infrastructure and jobs.”

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma, CPA, who has for decades led the state’s efforts to draw these innovators to California, applauded the group’s formation.

“The Recycle Right Coalition is a crucial step for California’s circular economy. As policymakers, we need to know what’s working and what’s not in the real world. By having a seat at the table and speaking with a unified voice, industry stakeholders can help California waste less and achieve greater climate resilience – to the tune of tens of millions in new investments and thousands of green jobs created,” stated Treasurer Ma.

The Coalition is spearheaded by four leading California innovators: Divert, Inc. (organics), Ridwell (hard-to-recycle materials), AMP Robotics (A.I. and robotics) and Our Planet Recycling (bottle and can redemption) and has quickly expanded with a half-dozen additional members from across the industry. The full membership and additional information can be found at www.RecycleRightCoalition.org.

The Coalition will hold a lobby day, launch event and PAC reception in Sacramento on January 23rd. The reception will honor State Treasurer Fiona Ma, Senator Ben Allen, and Assemblymember Tina McKinnor for their leadership in advancing innovation in the industry and helping Californians reduce waste.

The group is actively recruiting new members. For membership inquiries and event details, contact Erin Merrill at Erin@diversionstrategies.com.

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